Monday 2 September 2013

The eye of a needle

The one and only Bus Corridor (green)

The brochure released on December 13th, 2012 contains the figure left, reproduced in full size. This diagram is deliberately deceptive, like most of the diagrams in the brochure. The arrows show only outbound bus movements concealing the fact that northbound traffic into Elizabeth Street and Wentworth Avenue from Chalmers Street will be reduced to one lane at most and probably no lanes. Traffic flow in Foveaux Street appears to be reversed. The greatest deception is the the corridor is shown to be the same width for its whole length. In reality, Phillip Street, from Hunter Street to Circular Quay, is only four lanes wide, and always will be.

The trams will only ever carry, voluntarily, off peak passengers from the Prince of Wales hospital and the University of NSW. To establish a business model, the privately-operated trams must crush the public bus services. This occurs for bus services using Anzac Parade primarily in Anzac Parade, but for other bus services, as well as Anzac Parade services, it occurs mainly in Phillip Street.
Phillip Street bus terminus
Buses that have a terminus from Phillip Street circulate clockwise, setting down passengers in Young Street, waiting if necessary for their scheduled start, in Young Street then picking up passengers on the north side of Alfred Street. Alternatively, the buses circulate anti-clockwise, setting down passengers in Phillip Street and picking up passengers on the south side of Alfred Street. In general Flinders Street buses circulate anti-clockwise and the rest circulate clockwise. This arrangement is necessary because of the limited curb space available in Alfred Street east of the Customs House.

O'Farrell would have you believe that all the bus services using George Street and Castlereigh Street will be terminated at this Phillip Street terminus as well as the existing services, and services from the north shore using the Cahill Expressway. O'Farrell's contempt for the intelligence of residents of the Eastern Suburbs knows no bounds.
Up yours
Ve vill tell everyone they vill be going to Circular Quay
then ve will terminate them at secret locations

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